Tuesday, 4 December 2007

USe'S & grAtiFIcaTioNs.....& mE!

BluMler & KaTz
diversion- i like watching comedies to escape from busy life, i watch shows like friends and ugly Betty which is really funny.

personal relationships- erm....eastenders, hollyoaks and home & away sometimes these soaps have issues which i can sometimes relate to.

personal identity- hmm...not to sure if i use the media to identify myself with.

surveillance- the seven o clock channel 4 news or sometimes the 10 o'clock BBC1 mews which includes the weather....at times i flick through newspapers.

Denis McQuail:

information: things like the news, (channel4 & BBC news) is where i mostly get my information about the world. magazines.

learning: there are loads of shows which educate me like....documentaries on channel 4 they are interesting and i think that channel five even have some.

personal identity & social interaction: at times not to sure...

entertainment: ooh i love watching films all sorts like..chick flicks, scary films and funny ones.

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